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Financial Management - A Complete Study
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Welcome Lecture
What is Financial Management
Sources of Funds
Utilisation of Funds
Evolution of Financial Management
Importance of Financial Management
Scope of Financial Management
Objectives of Financial Management
Value of Firm
Role of CFO
Difference between Accounting and Financial Management
Financial Managment and Other Disciplines
Wealth Maximisation
Presentation Document - Introduction to Financial Management
Introduction To Time Value Of Money
Concepts Related To Time Value Of Money (Talking Head)
Future Value of Single Cash Flow (Simple Interest & Compound Interest)
Compound Value and Interest (Talking Head)
Case Studies Simple Interest (Talking Head)
Compound Intervals (Talking Head)
Compound Value Formula at Frequent Intervals (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Quarterly Compounding (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Monthly Compounding (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Semi Annual Compounding (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Semi Annual Compounding (PPT Based)
Rule 72 - Doubling Period
Future Value of Annuity - Formula
Case 1 Future Value Annuity (Talking Head)
Case 2 Future Value of Annuity (Talking Head)
Present Value Formula
Case 1 Present Value (Talking Head)
Case 2 Present Value (Talking Head)
Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 1 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 2 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 3 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 4 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 5 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 6 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 7 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
Present value of preptual cash flow (Talking Head)
Case Study Present value of preptual cash flow (Talking Head)
Present value of growing preptuity (Talking Head)
Sinking fund (Talking Head)
Case Study Sinking fund (Talking Head)
Compond value and compound int case study.mp4
Present value case study.mp4
Tables and PVIFA
Present Value Future Value Table
Equal Annual Installment.mp4
Practice Activities
Case Study of Sinking Fund
Compounding Intervals Formula
Introduction to Financial Statements
Statement of Profit and Loss
Balance Sheet
Preparing Financial Statements
Difference Between Income, Expense, Asset, Liability, Profit & Cash
Introduction to Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Classification of Ratio (Talking Head)
Introduction to Liqudity Ratio (Talking Head)
Classification of Liqudity Ratio (Talking Head)
Current Ratio (Talking Head)
Quick Ratio (Talking Head)
Ideal Current Ratio and Quick Ratio (Talking Head)
Absolute liqudity Ratio (Talking Head)
Basic Defense interval Ratio (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Ratios (Talking Head )
Turn over Ratio (Talking Head )
Inventory Turn over Ratio (Talking Head )
Debtors Turn over Ratio (Talking Head)
Creditors Turn over Ratio (Talking Head)
Inventory Holding Period (Talking Head)
Creditors Payment Period (Talking Head)
Debtors Collection Period (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (Talking Head)
Interest Coverage Ratio (Talking Head)
Preference Dividend Coverage Ratio (Talking Head)
Capital Gearing Ratio (Talking Head)
Profitability Ratio (Talking Head)
General Profitability Ratio (Talking Head)
Return on Investment Ratios (Talking Head)
Various Ratio for Equity Share holders (Talking Head)
Market Value Ratios (Talking Head)
Summary and limitation of Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 5 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 6 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 7 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 8 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Liquidity ratios case study1
Liquidity ratios case study 2
Interest Coverage Ratio Case Study 3
Proprietary Funds Case Study 4
Return on Asset Case Study 5
Stock Turnover Case Study 6
Equity Share Holders Ratios Case Study 7
Ratio Analysis - Detailed Case Study 8
Ratio Analysis - Detailed Case Study 9
Presentation Document - Ratio Analysis
Presentation Document - Ratio Analysis Case Studies
Article - Current Ratio
Article - Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Case Study Ratio Analysis
Cash Flow Statement Introduction (Talking Head)
Cash Flows from Various Activities (Talking Head)
Cash Flow Statement Direct Method (Talking Head)
Cash Flow Statement Indirect Method (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Cash flow study (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Cash flow study (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Cash flow study (Talking Head)
Presentation Document - Cash Flow Statement
Article - Cash Flow Statement
Difference between Cash Flow and Fund Flow Statement
Practice problems-Cash flow - Important Adjustment - Case Study
Introduction to Fund Flow Analysis (Talking Head)
Importance of Fund Flow Analysis (Talking Head)
Fund Flow Through some Numbers (Talking Head)
Fund Flow Through Digram (Talking Head)
How to identify long term Sources and Uses (Talking Head)
Example of Long Term Source And Uses (Talking Head)
Standard Format of Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Information Required For Preparing Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Stduy 2 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Fund Flow Statement Case Study
Presentation Document - Fund Flow Statement
Article - Fund Flow Statement
Introduction to cost of Captial (Talking Head)
Approach to Cost of Captial (Talking Head)
Cost of Debt (Talking Head)
Cost of Preference Share (Talking Head)
Cost of Equity (dividend model) (Talking Head)
Cost of Equity (CAPM) (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Cost of Redeemable Debenture (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Cost of Redeemable Debenture (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Cost of Equity (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Cost of debenture (Talking Head)
Case Study 5 Cost of Preference and Equity (talking Head)
Earning Price Approach (Talking Head)
Realised Yield Approch (Talking Head)
Case Study 6 Cost of Equality(CAPM) (Talking Head)
Cost of Retained Earnings (Talking Head)
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (Talking Head)
WACC (Market Value) (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 WACC (Book Value and Market Value) (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 WACC(Additonal Finance) (Talking Head)
Marginal Cost of Capital (Talking Head)
Case 4 WACC(BV,MV,MCC) (Talking Head)
Case 5 WACC(Book value and Market value) (Talking Head)
Case 6 WACC(Including Marginal cost of capital) (Talking Head)
Case 7 WACC(Including Marginal cost of capital) (Talking Head)
Presentation Document - Cost of Capital
Introduction to Capital Structure Decision (Talking Head)
Business Financing Decisions
Debt Vs Equity Financing Decision
Good Time and Bad Time for Debt Equity Funding
Capital Structure
Capital Structure (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Mix (Talking Head)
Factors of Capital Structure Mix (Talking Head)
Desining Optimal Capital Structure (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Case Study 1 (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Case Study 2 (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Case Study 3 (Talking Head)
Capital Structuring Case Study 4
Case Study on Capital Structuring and Tax Shield
Introduction to Leverage (Talking Head)
Leverage Formula (Talking Head)
Leverage Analysis Case Study 1 (Talking Head)
Leverage Analysis Case Study 2 (Talking Head)
Leverage Analysis Case Study 3 (Talking Head)
Leverage and its Types
Leverage Concept Example
Leverage Analysis and Sales Movement
Case Study 1 on Degree of Leverage
Case Study 2 on Degree of Operating Leverage
Case Study 3 on Degree of Leverage
Case Study 4 on Degree of Leverage
Indifference Point - Taking Head
Indifferent Point Case Study 1 - Talking Head
Indifference and Financial Break Even Point Case Study 2 - Talking Head
Indifference point chart case study - Talking Head
Financial Break Even and Indifference Analysis
Capital Structure Theories - Net Income Approach
Capital Structure Theories - Net Operating Income Approach
Net Income Approach Problem
Capital Structure Theories - Traditional Approach
Capital Structure Theories - MM Approach and Arbitrage Case Study
Case Study on Arbitrage
Introductory Problem on Capital Structuring
Introductory Problem on IDP
Problem on EPS EBIT IDP
Problem on IDP with Chart
Optimal Capital Structure
Problem on EPS and Capital Structuring
Problem on EPS and Financing Alternatives
Problem on IDP
Presentation Document - Capital Structuring Decisions
Presentation Document - Case Studies - Capital Structuring Decisions
Article - Capital Structuring
Article - Finance Break Even Point
Article - Leverage
Modiglani Miller Approach Case Study
Introduction to Modiglani Miller Approach
Practice Problems Operating Leverage Case Study
Leverage - Case study
How to select best capital structure?
Financial needs and sourcs of finance
Classification of Sources of Finance
Equity Capital
Preference Share Capital
Retained Profits
Debentures or Bonds
Loans from Commercial Banks
Commerical Paper
Venture Capital Financing Introduction and Methods
Factors evaluated by VC in a Project
Presentation Document - Venture Capital Financing
Financing of Export Trade by Banks
Presentation Document - Export Finance
Debt Securitisation
Presentation Document - Debt Securitisation
Various Types of Lease
Difference between Finance Lease and Operating Lease
Presentation Document - Lease Finance
Presentation Document - Short Term Source of Finance
Capital Budgeting Tools - Taking Head
Payback period - Talking Head
Pay Back Reciprocal (Talking Head)
PayBack Period Case Study 1 - Taking Head
Presentation Document - Introduction to Investment Decisions
PayBack Period Case Study 2 - Taking Head
Accounting Rate of Return (Talking Head)
Accounting Rate of Return (PPT Based)
Presentation Document - How to measure Cash Flows
Presentation Document - Cash Flows Case Study
Capital Budgeting Techniques (PPT Based)
Pay Back Period Introduction (PPT Based)
Pay Back Period Example (PPT Based)
Pay Back Reciprocal (PPT Based)
Presentation Document - Types of Capital Investment Decisions
Discounted Payback Period (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Discounted Payback (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Discounted Payback (Talking Head)
Discounted Pay Back Period Method (PPT Based)
Introduction to NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 5 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 6 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 7 NPV (Talking Head)
Profitability Index Method (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Profitability Index (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Trial and Error Method (Talking Head)
Equivalent Annual Flow Method (Talking Head)
Equivalent Annual CF
Introduction to Internal Rate of Return (Talking Head)
How to find IRR (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 IRR (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 IRR (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 IRR (Talking Head)
Comphrehensive Case Study (NPVand IRR) (Talking Head)
Case Study (Conflict between NPVand IRR) (Talking Head)
NPV Technique
Advantages and Disadvantages of NPV
Case Study 1 NPV
Problem NPV Ranking
Problem NPV (Cash Flows Derivation)
NPV Case Study
Problem NPV of Different Projects
Untitled Lesson
NPV Incremental Discount Rate Case Study
Problem NPV and Capital Rationing
New Case Study on NPV
NPV Case Study on Tax Savings
NPV Case Study 2 on Tax Savings
NPV Case Study (opportunity Cost)
NPV Case Study (Projects with different life period)
Abandonment Decision in Replacement
Replacement Decision
Aggregate Cash Flow Method in Replacement
Incremental Cash Flow Method in Replacement
Replacement Analysis Case Study 1
Replacement Analysis Case Study2
Replacement Analysis Case Study3
Replacement Analysis Case Study 4
IRR Introduction
Advantages and Disadvantages of IRR
Modified Internal Rate of Return (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 MIRR (Talking Head)
Modified IRR
IRR Simple Case Study
IRR Simple Case Study 2
Problem 1 IRR
Problem 2 IRR
Problem 3 IRR ARR NPV and Ranking
Problem 4 IRR DPB PI and Ranking
Problem 5 PB IRR ARR NPV and Ranking
Problem 6 IRR Mutually Exclusive Projects and Reinvestment
Problem 7 NPV and IRR Suitability
Project and Equity IRR
Profitability Index
Case 1 Profitability Index
Case Study on Profitability Index
Equivalent Annual Cost Case Study
Comprehensive Case Study on NPV
Case Study on Cash Flow Computation in Capital Budgeting
Case Study on NPV
Introduction to Working Capital Management (Talking Head)
Working Capital Introduction (Talking Head)
Importance of Adequate Working Capital (Talking Head)
Optimum Working capital (Talking Head)
Current Asset to Fixed Asset Ratio (Talking Head)
Case 1 Current Asset to Fixed Asset Ratio (Talking Head)
Working Capital Cycle (Talking Head)
Holding Period Computation (Talking Head)
Case 2 Working Capital Cycle (Talking Head)
Double Shift Working And Its Impact on Working Capital (Talking Head)
Case 3 Double Shift Working And Its Impact on Working Capital (Talking Head)
Introduction to Working Capital Management
Optimum Working Capital
Current Assets to Fixed Asset Ratio and Liquidity Vs Profitability
Example for Liquidity Vs Profitability
Working Capital Cycle Introduction
Holding Period Computation
Case 2 on Estimation of Working Capital
Case 3 on Estimation of Working Capital on Cash Cost Basis
Case 4 on Working Capital estimation on cash cost basis
Case Study 8 on Working Capital
Case Study 9 on Estimation of Working Capital
Case Study 10 on Estimation of Working Capital
Case Study 11 Estimation of Working Capital
Treasury and Cash Management
Management of Cash Collection and Disbursements
Different Kinds of Float
Lock Box System
Miller Orr Cash Management Model 1966
Opitmum Cash Balance
Management of Marketable Securities
Management of Payables
Management of Receivables
Monitoring of Receivables
Innovations in Receivable Management
Case Study 12 Credit Period Extension
Case Study 13 Evaluation of Credit Policy
Case Study 18 Debtors Funding option
Pledging and Factoring
Case Study 14 on Factoring
Case Study 15 on Extension of Credit Period
Case Study 16 on Seleciton of Credit Option
Case Study 17 on Interpretation on Credit Period
Case Study 19 Bank Loan against Receivable
Case Study 20 on Inventory Management
Cash Management and Types of Budgets
Case Stuidy 21 on Cleared Funds Forecast
Case Study 22 on Cash cycle and savings
Format of Cash Budget
Case Study 23 on Detailed Cash Budget
Case Study 25 on Detailed Cash Budget
Case Study 26 on Cash Budget and Projected Profit and Loss Account
Case Study 27 on Cash Budget and Fund Flow Statement
Case Study 28 on Cash Budget Additional Borrowings and Proforma Balance Sheet
Debtors Ageing Schedule
Difference between Factoring and Bill Discounting
Extension of Credit Period Case Study
Functions of Treasury Department
What is Bridge Finance?
Asset Securitisation
Different types of Bank Loans
Current Ratio CA exam question
Indifference Point Case Study
Cost of Equity Case Study
Introduction to Financial Management
Welcome Lecture
What is Financial Management
Sources of Funds
Utilisation of Funds
Evolution of Financial Management
Importance of Financial Management
Scope of Financial Management
Objectives of Financial Management
Value of Firm
Role of CFO
Difference between Accounting and Financial Management
Financial Managment and Other Disciplines
Wealth Maximisation
Time Value of Money
Presentation Document - Introduction to Financial Management
Introduction To Time Value Of Money
Concepts Related To Time Value Of Money (Talking Head)
Future Value of Single Cash Flow (Simple Interest & Compound Interest)
Compound Value and Interest (Talking Head)
Case Studies Simple Interest (Talking Head)
Compound Intervals (Talking Head)
Compound Value Formula at Frequent Intervals (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Quarterly Compounding (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Monthly Compounding (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Semi Annual Compounding (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Semi Annual Compounding (PPT Based)
Rule 72 - Doubling Period
Future Value of Annuity - Formula
Case 1 Future Value Annuity (Talking Head)
Case 2 Future Value of Annuity (Talking Head)
Present Value Formula
Case 1 Present Value (Talking Head)
Case 2 Present Value (Talking Head)
Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 1 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 2 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 3 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 4 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 5 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 6 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
case 7 Present value of Annuity (Talking Head)
Present value of preptual cash flow (Talking Head)
Case Study Present value of preptual cash flow (Talking Head)
Present value of growing preptuity (Talking Head)
Sinking fund (Talking Head)
Case Study Sinking fund (Talking Head)
Compond value and compound int case study.mp4
Present value case study.mp4
Tables and PVIFA
Present Value Future Value Table
Equal Annual Installment.mp4
Practice Activities
Case Study of Sinking Fund
Compounding Intervals Formula
Financial Analysis
Introduction to Financial Statements
Statement of Profit and Loss
Balance Sheet
Preparing Financial Statements
Difference Between Income, Expense, Asset, Liability, Profit & Cash
Introduction to Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Classification of Ratio (Talking Head)
Introduction to Liqudity Ratio (Talking Head)
Classification of Liqudity Ratio (Talking Head)
Current Ratio (Talking Head)
Quick Ratio (Talking Head)
Ideal Current Ratio and Quick Ratio (Talking Head)
Absolute liqudity Ratio (Talking Head)
Basic Defense interval Ratio (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Ratios (Talking Head )
Turn over Ratio (Talking Head )
Inventory Turn over Ratio (Talking Head )
Debtors Turn over Ratio (Talking Head)
Creditors Turn over Ratio (Talking Head)
Inventory Holding Period (Talking Head)
Creditors Payment Period (Talking Head)
Debtors Collection Period (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (Talking Head)
Interest Coverage Ratio (Talking Head)
Preference Dividend Coverage Ratio (Talking Head)
Capital Gearing Ratio (Talking Head)
Profitability Ratio (Talking Head)
General Profitability Ratio (Talking Head)
Return on Investment Ratios (Talking Head)
Various Ratio for Equity Share holders (Talking Head)
Market Value Ratios (Talking Head)
Summary and limitation of Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 5 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 6 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 7 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Study 8 Ratio Analysis (Talking Head)
Case Studies and Practice Problems - RATIO ANALYSIS
Liquidity ratios case study1
Liquidity ratios case study 2
Interest Coverage Ratio Case Study 3
Proprietary Funds Case Study 4
Return on Asset Case Study 5
Stock Turnover Case Study 6
Equity Share Holders Ratios Case Study 7
Ratio Analysis - Detailed Case Study 8
Ratio Analysis - Detailed Case Study 9
Presentation Document - Ratio Analysis
Presentation Document - Ratio Analysis Case Studies
Article - Current Ratio
Article - Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Case Study Ratio Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis
Cash Flow Statement Introduction (Talking Head)
Cash Flows from Various Activities (Talking Head)
Cash Flow Statement Direct Method (Talking Head)
Cash Flow Statement Indirect Method (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Cash flow study (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Cash flow study (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Cash flow study (Talking Head)
Presentation Document - Cash Flow Statement
Article - Cash Flow Statement
Difference between Cash Flow and Fund Flow Statement
Practice problems-Cash flow - Important Adjustment - Case Study
Fund Flow Analysis
Introduction to Fund Flow Analysis (Talking Head)
Importance of Fund Flow Analysis (Talking Head)
Fund Flow Through some Numbers (Talking Head)
Fund Flow Through Digram (Talking Head)
How to identify long term Sources and Uses (Talking Head)
Example of Long Term Source And Uses (Talking Head)
Standard Format of Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Information Required For Preparing Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Stduy 2 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Fund Flow Statement (Talking Head)
Fund Flow Statement Case Study
Presentation Document - Fund Flow Statement
Article - Fund Flow Statement
Cost of Capital
Introduction to cost of Captial (Talking Head)
Approach to Cost of Captial (Talking Head)
Cost of Debt (Talking Head)
Cost of Preference Share (Talking Head)
Cost of Equity (dividend model) (Talking Head)
Cost of Equity (CAPM) (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Cost of Redeemable Debenture (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Cost of Redeemable Debenture (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 Cost of Equity (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 Cost of debenture (Talking Head)
Case Study 5 Cost of Preference and Equity (talking Head)
Earning Price Approach (Talking Head)
Realised Yield Approch (Talking Head)
Case Study 6 Cost of Equality(CAPM) (Talking Head)
Cost of Retained Earnings (Talking Head)
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (Talking Head)
WACC (Market Value) (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 WACC (Book Value and Market Value) (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 WACC(Additonal Finance) (Talking Head)
Marginal Cost of Capital (Talking Head)
Case 4 WACC(BV,MV,MCC) (Talking Head)
Case 5 WACC(Book value and Market value) (Talking Head)
Case 6 WACC(Including Marginal cost of capital) (Talking Head)
Case 7 WACC(Including Marginal cost of capital) (Talking Head)
Presentation Document - Cost of Capital
Capital Structuring Decisions
Introduction to Capital Structure Decision (Talking Head)
Business Financing Decisions
Debt Vs Equity Financing Decision
Good Time and Bad Time for Debt Equity Funding
Capital Structure
Capital Structure (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Mix (Talking Head)
Factors of Capital Structure Mix (Talking Head)
Desining Optimal Capital Structure (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Case Study 1 (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Case Study 2 (Talking Head)
Capital Structure Case Study 3 (Talking Head)
Capital Structuring Case Study 4
Case Study on Capital Structuring and Tax Shield
Introduction to Leverage (Talking Head)
Leverage Formula (Talking Head)
Leverage Analysis Case Study 1 (Talking Head)
Leverage Analysis Case Study 2 (Talking Head)
Leverage Analysis Case Study 3 (Talking Head)
Leverage and its Types
Leverage Concept Example
Leverage Analysis and Sales Movement
Case Study 1 on Degree of Leverage
Case Study 2 on Degree of Operating Leverage
Case Study 3 on Degree of Leverage
Case Study 4 on Degree of Leverage
Indifference Point - Taking Head
Indifferent Point Case Study 1 - Talking Head
Indifference and Financial Break Even Point Case Study 2 - Talking Head
Indifference point chart case study - Talking Head
Financial Break Even and Indifference Analysis
Capital Structure Theories - Net Income Approach
Capital Structure Theories - Net Operating Income Approach
Net Income Approach Problem
Capital Structure Theories - Traditional Approach
Capital Structure Theories - MM Approach and Arbitrage Case Study
Case Study on Arbitrage
Introductory Problem on Capital Structuring
Introductory Problem on IDP
Problem on EPS EBIT IDP
Problem on IDP with Chart
Optimal Capital Structure
Problem on EPS and Capital Structuring
Problem on EPS and Financing Alternatives
Problem on IDP
Presentation Document - Capital Structuring Decisions
Presentation Document - Case Studies - Capital Structuring Decisions
Article - Capital Structuring
Article - Finance Break Even Point
Article - Leverage
Modiglani Miller Approach Case Study
Introduction to Modiglani Miller Approach
Practice Problems Operating Leverage Case Study
Leverage - Case study
How to select best capital structure?
Types of Financing
Financial needs and sourcs of finance
Classification of Sources of Finance
Equity Capital
Preference Share Capital
Retained Profits
Debentures or Bonds
Loans from Commercial Banks
Commerical Paper
Venture Capital Financing Introduction and Methods
Factors evaluated by VC in a Project
Presentation Document - Venture Capital Financing
Financing of Export Trade by Banks
Presentation Document - Export Finance
Debt Securitisation
Presentation Document - Debt Securitisation
Various Types of Lease
Difference between Finance Lease and Operating Lease
Presentation Document - Lease Finance
Presentation Document - Short Term Source of Finance
Investment Decisions - Introductions and Cash Flows Computation
Capital Budgeting Tools - Taking Head
Payback period - Talking Head
Pay Back Reciprocal (Talking Head)
PayBack Period Case Study 1 - Taking Head
Presentation Document - Introduction to Investment Decisions
PayBack Period Case Study 2 - Taking Head
Accounting Rate of Return (Talking Head)
Accounting Rate of Return (PPT Based)
Presentation Document - How to measure Cash Flows
Presentation Document - Cash Flows Case Study
Capital Budgeting Techniques (PPT Based)
Pay Back Period Introduction (PPT Based)
Pay Back Period Example (PPT Based)
Pay Back Reciprocal (PPT Based)
Presentation Document - Types of Capital Investment Decisions
Discounted Payback Period (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Discounted Payback (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Discounted Payback (Talking Head)
Discounted Pay Back Period Method (PPT Based)
NPV, Profitability Index & IRR Methods
Introduction to NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 4 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 5 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 6 NPV (Talking Head)
Case Study 7 NPV (Talking Head)
Profitability Index Method (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 Profitability Index (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 Trial and Error Method (Talking Head)
Equivalent Annual Flow Method (Talking Head)
Equivalent Annual CF
Introduction to Internal Rate of Return (Talking Head)
How to find IRR (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 IRR (Talking Head)
Case Study 2 IRR (Talking Head)
Case Study 3 IRR (Talking Head)
Comphrehensive Case Study (NPVand IRR) (Talking Head)
Case Study (Conflict between NPVand IRR) (Talking Head)
NPV Technique
Advantages and Disadvantages of NPV
Case Study 1 NPV
Problem NPV Ranking
Problem NPV (Cash Flows Derivation)
NPV Case Study
Problem NPV of Different Projects
Untitled Lesson
NPV Incremental Discount Rate Case Study
Problem NPV and Capital Rationing
New Case Study on NPV
NPV Case Study on Tax Savings
NPV Case Study 2 on Tax Savings
NPV Case Study (opportunity Cost)
NPV Case Study (Projects with different life period)
Abandonment Decision in Replacement
Replacement Decision
Aggregate Cash Flow Method in Replacement
Incremental Cash Flow Method in Replacement
Replacement Analysis Case Study 1
Replacement Analysis Case Study2
Replacement Analysis Case Study3
Replacement Analysis Case Study 4
IRR Introduction
Advantages and Disadvantages of IRR
Modified Internal Rate of Return (Talking Head)
Case Study 1 MIRR (Talking Head)
Modified IRR
IRR Simple Case Study
IRR Simple Case Study 2
Problem 1 IRR
Problem 2 IRR
Problem 3 IRR ARR NPV and Ranking
Problem 4 IRR DPB PI and Ranking
Problem 5 PB IRR ARR NPV and Ranking
Problem 6 IRR Mutually Exclusive Projects and Reinvestment
Problem 7 NPV and IRR Suitability
Project and Equity IRR
Profitability Index
Case 1 Profitability Index
Case Study on Profitability Index
Equivalent Annual Cost Case Study
Comprehensive Case Study on NPV
Case Study on Cash Flow Computation in Capital Budgeting
Case Study on NPV
Management of Working Capital
Introduction to Working Capital Management (Talking Head)
Working Capital Introduction (Talking Head)
Importance of Adequate Working Capital (Talking Head)
Optimum Working capital (Talking Head)
Current Asset to Fixed Asset Ratio (Talking Head)
Case 1 Current Asset to Fixed Asset Ratio (Talking Head)
Working Capital Cycle (Talking Head)
Holding Period Computation (Talking Head)
Case 2 Working Capital Cycle (Talking Head)
Double Shift Working And Its Impact on Working Capital (Talking Head)
Case 3 Double Shift Working And Its Impact on Working Capital (Talking Head)
Introduction to Working Capital Management
Optimum Working Capital
Current Assets to Fixed Asset Ratio and Liquidity Vs Profitability
Example for Liquidity Vs Profitability
Working Capital Cycle Introduction
Holding Period Computation
Case 2 on Estimation of Working Capital
Case 3 on Estimation of Working Capital on Cash Cost Basis
Case 4 on Working Capital estimation on cash cost basis
Case Study 8 on Working Capital
Case Study 9 on Estimation of Working Capital
Case Study 10 on Estimation of Working Capital
Case Study 11 Estimation of Working Capital
Treasury and Cash Management
Management of Cash Collection and Disbursements
Different Kinds of Float
Lock Box System
Miller Orr Cash Management Model 1966
Opitmum Cash Balance
Management of Marketable Securities
Management of Payables
Management of Receivables
Monitoring of Receivables
Innovations in Receivable Management
Case Study 12 Credit Period Extension
Case Study 13 Evaluation of Credit Policy
Case Study 18 Debtors Funding option
Pledging and Factoring
Case Study 14 on Factoring
Case Study 15 on Extension of Credit Period
Case Study 16 on Seleciton of Credit Option
Case Study 17 on Interpretation on Credit Period
Case Study 19 Bank Loan against Receivable
Case Study 20 on Inventory Management
Cash Management and Types of Budgets
Case Stuidy 21 on Cleared Funds Forecast
Case Study 22 on Cash cycle and savings
Format of Cash Budget
Case Study 23 on Detailed Cash Budget
Case Study 25 on Detailed Cash Budget
Case Study 26 on Cash Budget and Projected Profit and Loss Account
Case Study 27 on Cash Budget and Fund Flow Statement
Case Study 28 on Cash Budget Additional Borrowings and Proforma Balance Sheet
Debtors Ageing Schedule
Difference between Factoring and Bill Discounting
Extension of Credit Period Case Study
Source of Finance
Functions of Treasury Department
What is Bridge Finance?
Asset Securitisation
Different types of Bank Loans
Ratio Analysis
Current Ratio CA exam question
Indifference Point
Indifference Point Case Study
Cost of Equity
Cost of Equity Case Study
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